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noun - the action of working with someone to create something.


We love working with friends - old and new, and friends of friends, to explore new ideas and create beautiful things together. Better still if they are hand-crafted and hand-made - 手作り as they say it in Japanese - which is so precious in today's digital world. This space on our website is devoted to such partnerships and explorations. And not necessarily for the sake of profits, but just because. Just because it is uplifting to spark ideas, to join hands, and to co-create. 


Image by Earl Wilcox
The Green Earthling X Shelen Teo

Shelen fell in love with pottery five years ago. What started as a weekend hobby soon grew into a bigger passion. These days, when she is not at her studio space at Jalan Bahar Clay Studio, she would be teaching at 3Arts Pottery Studio, guiding her students and spreading the joy of pottery.


When she was introduced to The Green Earthing, Shelen was impressed by the amount of love and care that was being put into every curation. She became inspired to introduce hand-made planters to compliment the beauty of plants.


If you favour unique, one-of-a-kind ceramic planters that exude an earthy vibe over mass-produced ones, we invite you to take a peek now.​

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